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tv   Discussion Focuses on Innovation in Education  CSPAN  August 25, 2016 12:37am-1:15am EDT

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but again, let me make one quick point. to me, i don't think what the clinton foundation does seems largely indisputable as good, whether lowering the cost of malaria drugs or their work on hiv-aids, the issue is you have to separate that out from what people could be using donations to the clinton foundation to hopefully get. that is a totally separate thing than what it does. this is not whether the foundation does good or not. the foundation does good, period. it is, what do these donations mean for the people? what do they hope they mean, and what does it say about the clintons? that is where i got to spend most of my time. >> "the fix." a must-read. cillizza, the editor, thank you for your time. tomorrow, a forum on
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education from arizona state university's political summit. that is followed by the national park service director. later, a look at welfare reform 20 years later. announcer: c-span's "washington journal," live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up thursday morning, numeral strong, national resources editor for a any, -- e, will join us to talk about the anniversary for the national park service. and an interview with mike reynolds, deputy director of operations for the national park service. about thelk service's 100 years and what it means going forward. discuss the
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biography called "trump revealed." the book is a comprehensive examination of the republican nominee. it was written in collaboration with more than two dozen washington post writers, researchers, and editors, and it was released this week. don't forget to watch. join the discussion. thursday, the american bar association's annual homeland security law institute considers the legal profession's role in the country's security. our live coverage begins at a: 30 am eastern on c-span two. palestinian leader talks about israeli laws and their impact on palestinian citizens, life from the arab center at washington dc. -- live from the
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arab center in washington, d.c. "q&a" --: sunday on >> imagine, racial lynching in the south. it was brilliant to hold down a race, because if you were black, you believed this would happen to you. and discussion of the epic book "the lynching: the epic courtroom battle that brought down the klan." is a teenager. he is trained to become a brick layer. he is the youngest of seven children. he is alone with his mother and his house. his and asks him to get a pack of cigarettes. he goes out, this old buick pulls up behind him, and james pulls out his pistol and orders him into the backseat of the car
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, and he knows when he gets in the car what's going to happen. a black man in alabama, you know. announcer: sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern. ofouncer: now the first three panels on education from the annual arizona state university global silicon valley summit. the event brings together business leaders, educators, and policymakers to look at education issues. this panel looks at the work of academy,cademy -- khan which provides free online lessons. >> hello, everybody. my name is campbell brown. i am the cofounder and editor-in-chief of the 74. i hope you check it out. i have a great pleasure in introducing some great people.
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saul khan is the creator of khan academy. we also have the president of hy att. we will talk about something they are partnering together on. we have a video that will give you a sense for it. before we do that, let's start off by explaining what learn-storm is. >> those of you all who are familiar with the academy, we are not-for-profit. people associate us with these videos that we have. but we also have an interactive exercise platform where students andlearn at their own pace learned skills. we were trying to think of how we can get a broader segment of students and teachers engaged in it, where they can experience personalized learning and focus on mindsets, these things that we hear about.
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piloted this thing called learnstorm in the bay area, where teachers and students participate and are rewarded not just for achievements in math, but rewarded for showing grit and perseverance. there are a lot of ways to measure that. we can see what level they are at and if they are challenging themselves. and most importantly, what do they do when they get something wrong? do they give up, or do they keep going? that is a proxy for resilience. we did that last year, hoping to get maybe 1% of eligible students ages are great through 12th grade participating. we had close to 10%. from majority-free and reduced lunch schools. that, we saw blended implementations.
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google,t we did with and the next year we said, can we expand it to more geographies? chicago was interesting to us, because it is a truly urban area. we connected with mark, and we saw that there was a lot of energy around that. so we did learnstorm this year in chicago, and we did it in idaho. idaho was interesting because it is a rural area with people all over the state. and we did it in the country of ireland as well. but this year has been pretty incredible. going to have the finals event. ,ut we saw in these geographies between 10% to 50% of all third through 12th graders in these countries participate.
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it is very exciting. >> mark, before i go to you, let me show the video. take a look. [video clip] ♪ [applause] >> we are the group to bring learnstorm to chicago. [applause] >> this idea that if you provide the resources and have enough determination, you can learn anything. [applause] >> the whole spirit of learn storm is you have material to learn and you can build it. [applause]
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taking learnstorm 2016 off tomorrow, you have the opportunity to do whatever you put your mind to. [applause] there is no real limit to learning. whether it is the beginning or end of the year, your opportunity to learn does not end. [applause] >> we could not have asked for a better launch to begin with, because the energy in the room was amazing. one of the things that is true is, once you engage in these courses and the challenge, it gives you energy. i think people look to chicago as a leader. we will be able to do learnstorm here like no other place. i think it will set an amazing example for the rest of the country and maybe the world. >> when i say learn, you say storm.
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learn! >> storm! >> learn! >> storm! >> that was a pep rally. [laughter] >> so why was this interesting to you? why did you want to pursue this? >> thanks. first and foremost, welcome to the grand hyatt in san diego. thank you all for being here. this actually started off in a very unusual way. we were finding that around the world, so many of our teams, ens in brazil, india, and several places in the united states, we were finding that we were having great success in bringing people in to the hospitality industry out of disadvantaged backgrounds. people who were disengaged or disconnected from either school or jobs will stop -- or jobs.
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massive opportunity to bring people in with limited skills and help them grow. our idea was, we wondered how we could actually craft some life skills in a distributive format and make it available to a large number of people. we could scale that and try to facilitate bringing more people in from these communities into the workforce, not just to work at hyatt, but more broadly. we thought of khan academy. we were concerned about -- this is a community of people, 36 million people in the united states, and half of the black male population between 17 and in chicago is either not in 24 school or not working. it is a large committee of -- community of people. in order to provide them with resources and skills, you have to do it in a way that is not
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only accessible to them, but also something they could embrace and is not the meaning -- the meeting -- demeaning. we immediately thought of khan academy. it delivers real, authentic engagement. and one that is not perfect, it is authentic, but authenticity beats perfection every time. sal, and when we sat down, we had this discussion about empathy and how it was built into their program. one of the key points of learnstorm is this grit mindset. design atn working on hyatt for years and trying to expand that. a growth mindset is essential to actually practicing that. the connection between what they were promoting through learnstorm and what we were
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working on the company was aligned. we had a common view and mission. we said, longer term, we want to turn to building these resources for skills development and life skills. but in the meantime, this is super-powerful, so we would like to partner with you to bring learnstorm to chicago. the scalability of this is stunning. we saw the effect of that in chicago. chicago is a place where right now where more engagement is necessary. >> i was going to say that chicago public schools have been struggling. recently, we have heard about the problems. that affect both of you focusing on chicago? >> i would say it provided me with a sense of real resolve. i would also add quickly that the first step we took was to enlist city hall and the
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districts, not just public schools, because this is five countries around chicago. the enthusiasm and optimism was unbelievable. i think the senior leadership was immediately supportive and said this is exactly the right time for this. yes, there were all sorts of headlines about lots of fiscal issues and conflicts within the district, chicago public school district in particular, which is one of the reasons they believed that this was a great thing to do and a great time to do it. the head of cps is very focused on personalized paths to learning, and he recognized how powerful learnstorm and the khan platform is towards it. >> you both mentioned growth mindset. explain it if there is nobody here, and talk about how you integrated that into learnstorm. >> growth mindset got
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popularized with research at stanford. it is this idea that people have one or two mindsets. a fixed or growth mindset. a fixed mindset in half is, i either have the math gene or i don't, whereas a growth mindset says, i don't know my potential, but the only way i will achieve it is if i step out of my comfort zone, embrace failure, and keep going. multiple studies have shown successful people in whatever field disproportionately have a growth mindset. that is only mildly interesting, except for the fact that research has shown that you can actually do interventions with people to take them from having a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. we have been studying this on the con academy platform for several years. we had a partnership at stanford where we started doing small,
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mini-growth mindset interventions. you are more likely to form euro corrections when you get a christian -- n eurocorrections when you get a question wrong than right. people are willing to tap into their potential and learn everything they want to learn, but how do we get more students to have the right mindset so they can take advantage of these things? we got to thinking, if we could tie together the virtual, the physical, and partner with key stakeholders, whether industry, or teachers, or parents, and create a community around mindset and learning. and not just talk about it, but -- these students are
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doing common core exercises, but it is fun. i encourage everyone here to try to do it. the exercises are always available. it is a game where you are learning common core mathematics at your own time and pace. if you are in a greater and have to remediate her sixth grade math, there is no stigma. you can work on that and get credit for learnstorm if you show perseverance. if you are an advanced student, you can do the same thing. you are all working together and your school gets credit. as a community, how much grit your classroom shows. the growth mindset, the one way to think about learnstorm, we have done it in water regions, and we are hoping to do it in many more --a nationwide growth mindset intervention, where if we could move the dial of the number of people that have a growth mindset, that directly
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will address some of the things that ted was talking about in the last panel. quickly, this add was designed to enlist students. the final tally was around 100,000 students engaged in the competition. remarkable. we decided with sal's support to actually launch learnstorm as a competition within hyatt. we actually ran a competition within the company. can we had over 5000 participants signed up quickly, and we ran through a several-week period, and what came out was inspirational. i got notes from colleagues of mine, one in particular who said she always had struggled with algebra when she was in school.
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she always squeaked by with a c. it always bothered her that she did not have that skill. when she saw it was available, she realized she could do it at her own pace and learn, but also push herself. she was unleashed. she felt like she was able to accomplish something and take it to the next level. we had another colleague who is a single father whose daughter was having problems with math , and he didn't feel able to her, and through the exposure that he saw through learnstorm, he introduced khan's platform to his daughter, and tutored her with his help. these are the kinds of things that are deeply, emotionally important, inspirational, and really meaningful. but in all cases, based on the design, it really promotes going back and not just recognizing that failure is part of the process, but going back and applying yourself more and more. it is amazing to see that come
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to life for adults, in addition to the children impacted by the program. >> let me ask you to take a step back. as a global ceo -- both of you, what do you see as the most urgent, pressing challenge in education that this addresses? that you are dealing with, whether it is through hiring, or through the workplace, and what are you seeing as well? >> much more focused on learning, not focused on education, per se. it is not an educational system. it is the learning process that we are focusing on. increasingly, in every market we operate, we've got six or 50 andls and -- 650 hotels 100,000 colleagues around the world, what we see is that the opportunity gap, the skills gap, the knowledge gap, and income
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gap that results from all of that is alive and well everywhere and widening everywhere, every market we are in. it is particularly pronounced in a few markets where we really focused a lot if our attention about how we are going about recruiting from disadvantaged areas. brazil and india are two areas we've spent a lot of time on, especially pulling girls out of favelas and slums and try to give them an opportunity to learn some skills, and get a job, and develop from there. we see that as the number one issue that we think we can make an impact on in the world. it happens that our industry is well-suited to that because we've got great entry-level opportunities. with the help of partners like khan academy, i think we can bring great resources and tools to bear. but what i am also learning is, as we did this in chicago, there is a great community of people involved in new learning models and new engagement models.
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we discovered that this was really a broad community effort. we had a library system, local institutions, the districts and superintendents. our team created this core of ambassadors, and they were passionate about this. it took a community effort to bring this together and make it effective. and of course, some key people in the district. what we are seeing is there is an opportunity to create an ecosystem that covers not only kids, but also young adults who are out of the school system and out of jobs. there has to be a vehicle, a way for us to reengage them. the tools and resources that visibility tothis
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assemble an ecosystem to pull people back in, through learning and through also linking it to job opportunities, is a big opportunity, i think. >> i think as a society we have an existential question in front of us. the labor model that we have today is an artifact of the industrial age. where the pyramid and it worked. you had a large need for labor and in between layer of information processing and at the top you had the creative class or the owners of capital. the people who owned enterprises. the one thing that is clear to contributing to the inequality, automation is making labor less relevant. where you have high cost going to low-cost with outsourcing.
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and then what will those people in low-cost areas do? and an information processing. computers are good at that. artificial intelligence is starting to hit its stride. the bottom two layers, even though the aggregate productivity has increased, the bottom two layers are heading are getting collapsed. what do we do? redistribute? or we can invert the pyramid. get many more people into the ability to be entrepreneurs, to be creative, exercise the creativity. the only way we can do it is to educate many more people at scale. a thought experiment i get, if you would go back 400 years in the past to western europe, you
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would see about 15 percent of people who know how to read. and among the clergy, what percent of them is capable of reading, they would say with a perfect education system, maybe 40% or 50%. fast-forward today, that would be a pessimistic reduction. it is close to 100% and that is a byproduct of the industrial age public education system. today, the question of the pyramid, if i were to ask anyone in this room of what percentage you think of people are typical of being in the top of the pyramid? conducting research, starting an ed-tech company, or being an investor, or being an artist or investor or whatever it might become, i suspect a lot of people would say, maybe 10% or 20% with a great education system. my personal belief and we are
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starting to see data, if you allow people to learn at their own pace, if you allow them to fill in the gaps and they don't hit the wall in algebra or calculus, i think it is a much larger percentage of the population that is capable of learning quantum physics or contribute into genetics research. i do fundamentally think this pyramid is an existential question for society. >> credentialing is something you are talking and thinking a lot about. talk about what that means for your business? >> education is at least 2-3 things. the learning part. getting the skills. then how do you show proof of your skills to the world? and the socialization, how
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do you learn to work with other people in your community? the credentialing piece is key. there is a skills gap but there's also a signaling cap. a lot of people have the skills are close but it is hard -- or are close but it is hard to prove. something we are not in yet, but when we talk to folks like hyatt when we talk to folks like hyatt or other partners about exactly this issue. how do we get a world where through khan academy and a lot of the efforts of people in this room, how do people show what they know and employers employ a lot of people, how do they recognize that and start to use that? >> something specific you want to talk about? or not yet? >> it is early. [laughter] >> one of the first times we got together, we were talking about one of the issues. it was during the primary season.
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that was an interesting discussion. we will not go there. one of the things that sal identified was this connection between signaling and credential. i was explaining to him that we were supporting an initiative kicked off by the howard schultz foundation being run by the aspen institute to enlist big employers to pull opportunity youth. the same population that arne duncan referred to last night. we had the first event and it was a few thousand people in chicago can do a job there with
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-- in chicago came to a job faire with the bigger employers that were part of the effort. my colleagues there met a large number of young people who they thought could make great entry-level employees because of how they presented themselves and what they were able to bear. but to a person, there is zero chance we would have ever interviewed them because of the no resume. there's nothing to look at. he said, there has to be a different way to think about credentials that high school diploma or some other kind of institutional evidence of success or completion. i agree with that. the other thing that we had an idea around is if you have a network of these kinds of employers and one of those employers, let's say it was walmart who met the young person, if they credentialed that person or designated them
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as someone they would pull up someone they would interview for a job, that we could look to that as a proxy for our own credential and we could enable a group of people to be in that flow of interviews and job opportunities. i think this is an important element because the population of people disconnected from school at this point and is also disconnected from the workforce, there has to be a path. i think that there are a number of credentialing ideas that link directly to the khan academy. and maybe broader with life skills. >> khan academy has been enormously successful. you have made huge strides.
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you've been at this for how many years? >> i've been at it with my cousins since 12 years ago, the domain name and 10 years ago, i set up as a not-for-profit. in 2009, i quit my former career. >> do you think anything you are doing is going to fundamentally change public education in k-12? if not, you have this room full of people with great minds, what do we have to do? >> it is interesting because in a lot of ways, some things have happened far faster than i would have expected. and some things not as fast. the things that have happened faster, a lot of education tech investors here. prior to 2008-2009, people do not think that educational tech was -- it was a third rail of
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venture capital investing. it continues to grow dramatically. we have seen the conversation -- ed schools have been speaking about educational differentiation. and the tools are starting to exist where this is doable. learn storm, we have a large fractions of these regions doing personalized instruction in a way that would have seemed like science fiction 20 years ago. people can learn more at their own pace. it's not lecture-based. it is much more about one-on-one or small group instruction. very focused on individual students. the fact that we can engage regions in this way is incredible. one of the things -- every night
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i think more dots get connected. the college board and the creators of the sat, it has been around for almost 100 years. the new president for the first time recognized that there is this industry that levels the playing field. they reached out to us and have seen a lot of the work we have done and they said, would you be willing to do something like that for s.a.t. that makes it free? we have always been careful to use the word s.a.t. prep, but they wanted to work with us because we were about real learning. if you're having trouble with algebra, you can still learn it. we have been working with them on that. we just launched in this past s.a.t. issue. 60% of students who took the sat used to. we have seen a 20% reduction of test prep.
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paid test prep. we have seen the usage was even across all demographics. much higher penetration than we expected. we partnered with the boys and girls club to make sure everyone has access to it. one of the things i'm excited about its we now have integration with the psat. the psat is what 80% of american 10th graders take. if they get permission, they get permission to the khan academy and they can get a diagnostic of their personal learning. how do you know the gaps in student knowledge? we have this high fidelity think where we can say you are strong at this function concept but weak in this type of grammar and reading comprehension. we can personalize that for students. we can see how that affects them when they take the sat and further on monday go to college. -- further on when they go to college. a lot of what i said sounds like
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science-fiction. going forward, it is leveraging this with the multiple platforms and partnering with many people in this room. i think in 10-15 years we will have a world where if you are in the developing world and don't have access to school or smart, -- to school through a smart phone or tablet, you can literally self educate, prove what you know, and plug into meaningful careers. and if you are in the world that most of us are in, you will be able to supercharge what is going on in the classroom. instead of books that way 20 pounds and don't personalize it to you, he will have resources that allow you to get the core skills at your own pace, he will have labs and portfolios and classifying -- class time will be more human interaction. this will give us more information for the people we want to work and fund and allow more people to enter the top of the pyramid.
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>> two things, one of the amazing leverageable aspects of the platform is you can build skills on your own and free up class in time to engage. i see a clear, direct corollary to our business. we are try to take the administration out of our colleagues hands so they are not stuck sitting there doing administrative tasks in front of a guest but ask and provide them with resources to engage them emphatically with the guests. we are building a platform to take all of the administrative burden off of their plate so they can authentically engage.
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you can learn a lot these things on your own and when you get to class, it can be more project-based and engaged. the other thing, you talk about it earlier today, agency. just having more control of your own path and growth and learning. it has obvious benefits, but there is something deeply respectful of the human spirit when you do that. when you put that in someone's hands. it is often self-confidence. it makes a big difference from an emotional perspective in terms of how you experience learning and build confidence over time. that is a special gift embedded in what is built.


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